New Beginnings in Unlikely Circumstances - Encouraging short sermon series by The Commandment Co

Seems as though God is into new beginnings, and tends to birth them in unlikely circumstances. The young boy named David killed Goliath with a sling and stone, Paul, who initially persecuted followers of Christ then became an influential voice in the Bible after encountering Jesus, and the Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus in a manger. What makes you think it couldn’t be you too?

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19 (NIV) - Encouraging short sermon series by The Commandment Co

We are living in wild and unlikely times now, and it’s “classic enemy strategy” to make you think that this will only result in a reduction in our lives. Even though some doors may be closing and the future doesn’t look too bright, it’s not the time to shrink back - it’s time to stand and believe for new ground and opportunities.

Be encouraged if you’re in an unlikely circumstance because God is making a new way - Encouraging short sermon series by The Commandment Co

We worship a God who makes a way in the wilderness and springs forth streams in the wastelands. Be encouraged today if you’re in an unlikely circumstance because God is making a new way. Maybe you’re thinking “can anything new come from this?” But maybe God is using your upside down schedule to draw you into deeper intimacy with Him? Maybe He’s shaking off old ways of thinking and leading you into new ways of dreaming? It may look different from what you imagine it to be, but God is still faithful and He wants to grow you. He loves you and desires good things for you, and can bring opportunities to harvest the ‘unlikely’ fruit through these unlikely times. You may not feel like a giant slayer now, but like David, maybe all you’ve got to do is reach out for a few small stones nearby, and use what’s in your hands to see your victory.

“Whenever I was in distress, you enlarged me. I’m being squeezed again – I need your kindness right away! Grant me your grace, hear my prayer, and set me free.” (ps 4:1) - Encouraging short sermon series by The Commandment Co

Let’s believe today that God will use our unlikely circumstances to enrich our lives and create new beginnings that couldn’t have happened otherwise!

believe that God will use our unlikely circumstances to enrich our lives and create new beginnings that couldn’t have happened otherwise! - Encouraging short sermon series by The Commandment Co

Article adapted from @hannahhobbs


December 31, 2020 — The Commandment Co