Don't Forget To Remember! | Short Sermon Series

“Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits” Psalm 103:2
Let’s be real, its easy to forget stuff in life! We’ve all forgotten a good friend’s birthday at some point. It doesn’t mean that they’re unimportant, it’s just that importance doesn’t always trigger our memory!

But in order to forget something, we must’ve known it for a while. We know God and all his benefits but sometimes we lose our awareness of God’s presence in our daily life. Other times, fear causes us to forget what is true and detaches us from what we know about God. Fear makes us forget everything we know and causes us to go back to what is easy and comfortable.

But even when you’re walking in the wrong direction, Jesus is walking with you.

Sometimes we don’t need a new revelation, but we need to remember what we already know about Him. Recall the faithfulness of God and know that He is still the same God, there with you. Even if it doesn’t seem like it in the moment, keep saying it over yourself surround yourself with people who will say “Great is Your faithfulness!”

Many times we miss God because we want something ‘new’, but really, God just wants to show up in the midst of your everyday life. Learn to take a moment to take a step back and get a new perspective - not revelation - and a new way to see the situation. And when we look back, you’ll see that He was our comforter when you were afraid, your reason when your head was spinning, and your guidance when you didn’t know where to go.

Sermon by @hollyfurtick @elevationchurch