Peace in my pocket | Short Sermon Series

Have you ever lost your keys? Then lose your cool and start ransacking the whole house only to realise that it’s in your pocket? The keys were always in our pocket, but we were looking in the wrong places. Similarly, the key to having peace in our daily lives is in our pocket too!
John 16 tells us that we have peace because of Him, and because He is with us, peace is with us. To lose our peace would mean that Jesus has left us. But He has promised that He will never leave nor forsake us, so peace is in you! It’s not about our performance to earn peace; our peace is in Jesus, not just for eternity but for us to live differently on earth as well!
We need this peace because life’s uncertainties aren’t going anywhere. The ‘christian life’ isn’t all smooth sailing, but part of our faith is used when we don’t understand where we’re going, but we go anyway. God has called us to thrive in the middle of waters we don’t always recognise, but that’s the beauty of it when He takes you and makes something great out of your situation!
Peace is a person, and it doesn’t matter what situation we’re in as long as we bring the Prince of Peace into it. We can function when everything around us is going crazy because that’s the peaceful life God has for us!
Peace IS your portion.
John 16:31-33 / Romans 5:1-2 / Matthew 11:28-30
Sermon by @carllentz