“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” Isaiah 26:3

Life is downright difficult sometimes, and many things are always threatening to steal our peace. Complicated relationships, a new medical diagnosis, financial struggles – the list is endless and it can get overwhelming at times.

We need to remember, however, that the world is not perfect. This is not how things should be, and it’s not how God intended for His Creation to live. His heart breaks with yours and He is holding you through all the hardship and trials.

Most of all, He’s offered us a lifeline to get through each day – Himself.

To the one who is struggling to keep your peace – fix your eyes on Jesus. He provides sufficient grace and sufficient peace for every moment and every circumstance.

In this world, we will have trouble. But take heart – Jesus has already overcome the world! There is nothing in life that we need to fear, for Jesus takes hold of our hands and walks with us through all of it.

May @steffiis.doodles encourage and inspire you! Now available in-store and online! 
October 03, 2024 — TCCO (Troubleshooting)