Sit with God | Short Sermon Series

In every heart lies a God-shaped hole that can only be satisfied through a deep relationship with our Heavenly Father.
The world desperately tries to fill it with pleasure – successful careers, fancy cars, and romantic relationships, but at the end of the day, the hole is never quite filled. Man continues to feel empty.
What idols have you been filling the God-shaped hole in your heart with? Perhaps this is the day to turn away from that which never
satisfies and turn to the One who will satisfy your every need.
satisfies and turn to the One who will satisfy your every need.
Commit yourself to making time to sit with the Lord each day. Just putting away all distractions and allowing yourself to bask in His presence is good enough! You don’t even need to say a thing – just be still and know that He is God (Ps 46:10).
God sits right next to you as you allow yourself to become aware of His presence. He sings songs of love over you and gives you all His attention and affection.
As you draw from His love, you fill the God-shaped hole in your heart. His persistent love for you will satisfy you like no other love ever has.
Finally, your restless soul will find peace in the knowledge that you are already known and loved.
God is waiting for you to sit with Him! Would you accept His invitation today?
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