If the earth gave way and if the mountains fell into the heart of the sea – what would you do? Probably be in a state of immense panic, running to find cover, your mind racing with ways to save yourself.
Isn’t it bizarre, then, that God’s response to you in the midst of such catastrophic events is – “Do not fear”? In fact, He tells us, “Be still and know that I am God.” (Ps 46:10)
It brings to mind a similar situation in the New Testament – when a fierce storm was raging as the disciples and Jesus were on a boat, the disciples were panicking. Jesus, on the other hand, was asleep. He knew what it meant to be still in the midst of the storm, trusting that His Father would protect Him.
It’s counterintuitive to be still in the storm, or to be still when war breaks out on all sides. Yet no matter the circumstance, God promises to “keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast,” because they trust in Him (Is 26:3).
Let us learn to stand our ground when the waves come our way, allowing our souls to rest in the knowledge that our God is far bigger than anything that threatens to steal our peace. May we have such assurance in God that, like Jesus, we too will be able to sleep peacefully in the storm.
Artworks by Viva @paintingscriptures are now available for print and tote bags. Buy Now.
April 11, 2024 — TCCO (Troubleshooting)