Light to My Path | Short Sermon Series

When you can’t hear God, try reading Him!
God speaks to us in many ways – through a word of encouragement from a friend, through a beautiful sunset, through the sermons we listen to — but one key way through which He speaks is through His word.
Painstakingly copied down through history by thousands of scribes, and checked thoroughly for its accuracy, God’s word is His gift to us. Living and active, it is “sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” (Heb 4:12)
Reading God’s word keeps our hearts and minds in check – it ensures that we walk on the right paths and can convict us when we wander away.
"Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." Ps 119:105
God’s word illuminates our paths, guiding us one step at a time into His plans and purposes for our lives.
We often lament and complain about not knowing what to do, or God not speaking to us. But have you been listening?
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