Step into the New Year with Courage and Faith | Short Sermon Series

“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” – Deuteronomy 31:8
As we stand at the beginning of a brand new year, it’s natural to feel a mix of excitement, uncertainty, and maybe even fear. What will this year bring? Will we face unexpected challenges? Will our plans succeed?
Here’s your reminder today: God has your back!
- He’s going to be with you every step of the way.
- He’s already gone before you to prepare the path ahead.
The unknown may seem intimidating, but if the Lord has prepared the way ahead of us and promised to walk with us, what do we have to fear?
Instead of letting fear or doubt take hold of your heart, hold tightly to God’s hand.
- Take little steps of faith boldly.
- Lean on Him when you feel uncertain.
- Trust in His goodness when you can’t see the way forward.
Your God is a good God—faithful, loving, and trustworthy. There is no future you need to fear, because He will personally walk with you through every circumstance and every situation this year.
So as you step into the new year, step forward with courage and confidence.
You are not alone. Your God is for you, with you, and ahead of you.
How blessed we are, to have a God who loves us this much!
Let this be your prayer and your promise for the year ahead:
“Lord, I trust You with my future. I know You’ve prepared the way, and I will walk boldly with You by my side.”
May the designs by @benih.kecil bring courage to us as we face each day!💪
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