The GOD Who Heals | Short Sermon Series

In Exodus 15, the Israelites were grumbling as they journeyed to the Promised Land. After finding bitter water they could not drink, God provided them with clean water and described himself to the Israelites as “Jehovah Rapha” - the God who heals. What He meant was more powerful - “Healing is who I am”. The bitter water that the Israelites found can be seen as a symbol of the bitterness in their hearts - and this bitterness needed healing. Fortunately, God who IS healing, longed to heal them.

It was good news back then, and it’s good news today. We’re more like the Israelites than we’d like to admit. We all have bitterness over things that have happened to us, and we all need healing. Not only can God heal bitterness, but He can also heal anything for which we need healing, be it physical, emotional, relational or mental pain.

Healing may not always come quickly but let us trust and know that God is still working and moulding us through the process and the pain. While we seek healing for our mental and physical infirmities, may we also not not forget to ask for healing from the most significant affliction to man - sin.

What Jesus did for us on the cross gives us full assurance of spiritual healing. By His wounds, we are healed. It can be challenging to know how to pray to God for help, but he is ready to listen to your prayers and heal you - not just for your physical or mental pain, but also spiritually.