Overcoming Anxiety | Short Sermon Series
Anxiety remains as a prevalent mental illness, especially in this difficult period. Yet, God calls us to cast our anxieties on Him, for He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). In the loving arms of God, we find peace and shelter from our anxious thoughts.
Here are 4 steps to combat anxiety as people of God:
1. Let Go & Let God
We tend to feel a need to have control over our lives. However, holding tight to our worries only fuels anxiety, but casting our cares on the shoulders of Christ allows Him to share our burdens, taking off the weight of anxiety on our hearts.
2. Resist Fear
Resist the temptation to give into fear. This is the time for faith - the season for God-based hope. When you gave your life to God, you put your trust in Him. He is your shepherd and will lead you to safety.
3. You Are Not Alone
Avoid believing in the lie that God has left you. Do not let your anxiety be amplified by the sense of loneliness! Your circumstances are not a reflection of whether God is with you. He is not just a mere spectator in your life, but is with you always in the good times and the bad.
4. Soak in God’s Peace
Filling our lives with prayer and scripture gives us access to God’s peace - an inexplicable calm. We should be worried, but we aren’t. We should be upset, but we are comforted. The peace of God transcends all logic, scheming, and efforts to explain it, and reflects that God is with us.
There are many reasons to be anxious, but today, let us choose to put our faith in God, cast our worries onto Him, and trust that He will lead us to greener pastures.
Article by Corine Gatti-Santillo on Max Lucado’s sermon
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