The Incorruptible Beauty of a Gentle and Quiet Spirit | Short Sermon Series

Trying to “toughen up” or “tough it out” won’t always bring you through difficult times. Often, the solution is to become more tender instead. Billy Graham’s crusade saw millions around the world come forward as George Beverly Shea sang “softly and tenderly Jesus is calling” - and that’s how the Holy Spirit often speaks to us: in a whisper.
David was a man of war who won many battles, but he was known for his tender heart. He cared for Jonathan, King Saul’s son, and was tender towards Mephibosheth (a disabled relative of Saul) and even invited him to eat at the King’s table and took him into his household. Even though he was treated badly, David was tender to Saul as well and did not embarrass Saul when he had the chance. David was tender hearted and it preserved his kingdom and welcomed God’s favour into his life.
Let’s be tender with each other, aware and sensitive of other’s needs and concerns. Even more so, let’s be tender with our worship, praise, prayer and quiet time with the Lord! Stay in faith for the best is yet to come!
“A tender and sensitive spirit connects with God’s Spirit, enabling you to hear His voice more clearly. As you calm your soul and “still your heart, you will know (afresh) that He is God” Psalm 46:10
“…rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God” 1 Peter 3:4
Sermon by @brianchouston