Jesus Is Your Friend | Short Sermon Series

Jesus loved to spend time with people. You would think that knowing His time on earth was short, He would have spent as much time as He could expounding and teaching. But instead, Jesus spent His time on people: good people, bad people, religious people, condemned people, sick people, the list goes on.
Jesus made friends with sinners that society rejected - Zacchaeus, Matthew, the woman caught in adultery. He made friends with people society ignored - Peter, James, John and the other disciples. He reached out to the sick and unclean and healed them unconditionally.
Jesus came to show us the Father. When Jesus smiled at people, it was because God smiled at them. Jesus healed people because God wanted to heal them. He hugged people because God longed to hug them. He befriended sinners and forgave sins because that’s what God would have done in Jesus’ place. How Jesus dealt with people was exactly how God deals with us. He didn’t do it so others would think highly of Him, He just loved people.
Jesus didn’t come to condemn the world, but to save it (John 3:17). He didn’t go around shaming people who didn’t measure up, but went to find sinners and show them a way out. He came to give hope to the hopeless, hurting and desperate. He came to replace our inner desperation with righteousness, peace and joy!
Sermon by @judahsmith