The Lord Is My Shepherd | Short Sermon Series

”The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.“ Psalms 23:1
Jesus calls us His sheep and refers to Himself as the good shepherd. He’s not just any shepherd… He’s a GOOD shepherd. And the good shepherd takes care of His sheep.
The good shepherd provides for the needs of His sheep. He leads them to feed on green pastures. He brings them to drink from quiet streams that are safe.
The good shepherd protects His sheep. He raises up His rod and staff and fights for His sheep. Even in the valley where death is so close it casts a shadow, His sheep fear no evil, for they know their good shepherd will protect them.
Jesus is your good shepherd – He’s walking with you and caring for your every need. Even when pain, sickness, and even death draw close, dear sheep, you need not fear. He is with you and brings you deep comfort and deep peace.
Truly, with Jesus as your shepherd, there is nothing you lack. Every need is met in the arms of the Father.
May the collection from @chezhemdi serve as a daily reminder of God's goodness. Prints and tote are available in-store and online.