Everything Beautiful | Short Sermon Series

”He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.“ Ecclesiastes 3:11
The world we live in is not perfect by any means. Brokenness, sin, and evil live amongst us, and that means (as Jesus also said), we can expect to have trouble in this world.
The important thing to realise and remember as Christians is that although we live amongst evil, evil does not have the final say. Jesus’s death on the cross and His resurrection won the battle against sin and death forever.
We live not as victims of our circumstances, but as beloved Children with a great hope that extends to eternity.
We won’t always be able to see how God is working, but we can trust that He is! God is in the process of redeeming and restoring His Creation back to its perfect state. In His own time, He is making all of us, and every situation, beautiful.
The great mountain you’re facing today is not the end of your story. Your loving God walks with you and is redeeming every heartache and every mistake. Take heart, take courage.
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