The Pursuing Love of God: He Runs After Us | Short Sermon Series

We often think of God as a passive God. In the absence of pillars of fire and His audible voice thundering from the heavens, it’s hard to tangibly see that God is still present if we aren’t looking or paying attention to His gentle whispers of love.
When we stray away and when we forget God, we may think that God is just passively watching from the side, letting us do our own thing until we fall and come crawling back to Him.
But that’s not who God is. He’s not a God who is passive.
Our God is a God who runs towards us. He leaves the 99 to find the one. He chases after us and longs for our hearts. He does not sit by ambivalently when we stray from Him.
“Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Psalm 23:6
His goodness and love follows after us like a shadow. Over and over again, He will keep drawing us back to Him, until we realise that His warm embrace is where we were really made to be in.
Have you been running away from God? Come home. He’s been running after you, so all you need to do is to turn around and be met by His loving gaze and open arms.
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