Two Edged Sword | Short Sermon Series

“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12
We often want God to speak to us, and many of us wonder how we can hear the voice of God. Well – open up your Bible! The word of God is still relevant to us today and He speaks to us through His word.
As we read stories of sinners who repent, distressed people who find hope in God, and the humility of Jesus, we see ourselves in these stories and our hearts are deeply encouraged. And as we read about God’s judgement and His holiness, we are made aware of our sinful nature and are prompted to repent.
The word of God is alive! He still speaks to us today, giving us encouragement and comfort, as well as guidance and discipline. It is sharp - cutting to the quick and showing us the condition of our hearts. Only through studying His word will we be able to know our Maker, and know the right paths we are to walk in.
So, if you’re harping on God to speak to you – open up your Bible and start reading. Read to understand, and read to listen to His heart for you. Seek and you shall find!