What type of traveller are you? | Short Sermon Series

What type of traveller are you? While we have the planners with a solid itinerary planned out, we also have the wanderers who are ready to let go of plans to embrace what the destination has in store for them!
Similarly in life, do you tend to carefully plan out your life with fixed goals to achieve, or do you allow for God’s authorship to make changes and show you what He has in store?
It is not easy for us to throw away our plans to follow Christ as the road is filled with uncertainties but in Psalms 33:11 it says that the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, and so are the thought of His heart through all generations.
So do not give up even if everything seems to be falling apart today! It isn’t the end but instead the beginning to fulfilling the potential of your faith. God can’t restore what hasn’t been broken nor can He heal what is not wounded. The Lord is working to move away the obstacles for His Plan for you, and you can be certain that is a good one! 😊