When Life Gives You Lemons | Short Sermon Series

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
~ John 16:33
In this world that we live in, we will have trouble. Uh oh, that sounds a little concerning, doesn’t it? To have Jesus Himself tell us that in this world, we will definitely face troubles. But the somewhat radical idea that Jesus is trying to put forward when He says this is that… maybe that can be a good thing.
We often associate difficult times in our lives with sadness and sorrow, stress and frustration, unease and unrest. Here, Jesus reminds us that when we have Him in our lives, this need not be the case! He reminds us that when we have trouble in our lives, we can also expect His presence with us, and His peace to assure us! It is exactly because of this idea that we no longer need to fear troubles in our lives. In fact, it is in our seasons of trouble that we can also expect to encounter Him and His provision in new ways we might not have previously.
So, take heart! Be encouraged! In your times of troubles, be expectant to see God move in your life when you give your troubles to Him. Know that your seasons of hardship will help you grow closer to Him, and let this understanding fill you with peace. Know that Jesus has overcome the world! So with Him, you will definitely overcome the challenges in your life because He is for you!
Today, if you are experiencing hardship, pray for the peace of Jesus to fill you. Know that in this world, we will have troubles, but Jesus reminds us that because He provides us with His peace, troubles will not have you.