“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided to you” Matthew 6:33

What is stealing your joy today? It is likely that your answer will revolve around worry. Worried about your exams, worried about your workplace responsibilities, or perhaps, worried about your family responsibilities.

Jesus knows that worry plagues our lives – it steals our joy and makes us feel a looming sense of dread and fear. He understands our struggles and time and time again, He urges us, “Do not worry”, “Do not be afraid”. If we are overwhelmed or fearful, He tells us to take life one step at a time, not worrying about tomorrow, for each day has enough trouble of its own.

But how do we stop worrying? It’s difficult to just immediately stop doing something that comes so naturally to us.

Matthew 6:33 provides us with a clue. Jesus encourages us to “seek first His kingdom and His righteousness”, and He promises that every need we have will be met.

God calls us His children – and this is not just a nice sounding title, it is our identity. And if we are God’s children, He takes on the role of Father. Our Father is a perfect Father who gives good gifts and takes care of His children. All we need to do is to allow Him to be our Father, and to seek Him first.

Let us trust in our loving Father today, knowing that God will provide for us everything we need, and that His promises never fail.

May we be reminded to seek Him with our new designs by @hismightyprints !! 💕 Available both in store and online 😄
June 07, 2023 — TCCO (Troubleshooting)