To the working adult with no chill

If you’re inwardly screaming “that’s me!!”, then we’re going to see how you can have a chill life and have it altogether at the same time. Even if you have kids to run after or chores piling up, and you’re thinking there’s got to be a better way to live, you’re right.
And here’s how: REST
BUT rest in this context doesn’t mean laze about for an entire day (as tempting as it sounds), but refers to a posture of resting in the Lord while doing what you need to do. But still, how do we rest?

In Luke 10, Jesus visited Mary and Martha. Martha started serving the Lord immediately, and Mary sat at Jesus’ feet to hear His word. Soon, Martha got fed up and complained that Mary left her alone to serve Jesus. Although Martha’s desire was to serve the Lord, she ended up losing her temper with the ones she loved as she ran out of strength.
Sound familiar? Maybe you’re busy all the time cooking, cleaning, working? Thinking things will crash the moment you take your foot off the pedal? Well, Jesus didn’t scold Martha, but gently pointed out her anxiety instead. Jesus doesn’t want you to suffer under the weight of all that needs to be done, He wants you to enjoy life! The key is doing what Mary did, to sit at His feet and hear His word - to rest in His presence and let His words impart peace.

Even if you can only spare 5 minutes in the morning, or a short break during work, God would still love to spend that time with you! When you choose to rest at Jesus’ feet and let go of anxiety and stress, you will be filled with His love for you and it will overflow into the ones around you! God’s got your back and you can rest with a smile on your face.

To the one with zero chill, you’ve got this. The all-sufficient God loves you, is with you to guide you in all things, and will meet your every need (and even more!). That’s the secret - to rest in Jesus’ presence.
Adapted from