Only God Satisfies: Ending the Year with True Joy | Short Sermon Series

Do you ever feel like you’re constantly searching for something more—especially as the year comes to a close?
A better holiday… better grades… a better job… a better relationship… the list can go on and on.
Maybe as you look back on this year, you’ve accomplished many things, or perhaps you’ve faced disappointments. Yet, no matter how many milestones we hit or material gains we achieve, why does it still feel like there’s something missing?
Even when we get what we want, the satisfaction is fleeting—like sand slipping through our fingers. Soon enough, the longing in our hearts grows again.
Why is it that nothing seems to truly satisfy?
Perhaps the answer is that we aren’t just material beings. We’re spiritual beings too, created for something far greater. The deep emptiness we feel can only be filled by one source—God Himself.
“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” – Psalm 16:11 (ESV)
As we stand at the close of this year, reflecting on what has been and what is to come, let’s pause and ask:
- What have we been chasing to fill our hearts this year?
- Have those things brought lasting peace, joy, or fulfillment?
The truth is, only when we are in the presence of God can we experience true peace, joy, and contentment. He is the source of all goodness, fulfillment, and hope.
If this year has left you feeling weary, empty, or restless, now is the time to turn to God. Let Him fill the void in your heart. When we come to Him with open and expectant hearts, He promises to never disappoint.
As we enter a new year, let’s shift our focus: not on things that fade, but on the One who satisfies eternally.
Only God satisfies.
May the year ahead be one where we walk closer to Him, finding fullness of joy in His presence and true peace that surpasses all understanding.
May the designs by @musingsofmeimei bring encouragement to you today❤
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