Jesus Cries With You | Short Sermon Series

We all have “no” stories: times when hopes flew and prayers pleaded, but God said “no.” And in those times, it can be tempting to doubt God’s heart and to question His love. But Lamentations 3:33 assures us, “… [God] does not willingly bring affliction or grief to anyone” (NIV).
Jesus Cries With You - Encouraging short sermons and devotionals compiled by The Commandment Co
November 24, 2021

Pleasing God Not Them | Short Sermon Series

Today’s key verse poses an important question, one the Apostle Paul asked in the book of Galatians but that’s still relevant for us today: “Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ” (Galatians 1:10).
Pleasing God Not Them - Encouraging short sermons and devotionals compiled by The Commandment Co
November 18, 2021

Remember Him In The Struggle | Short Sermon Series

How do we find hope in the middle of our stories? How do we keep going when life feels relentlessly hard? We hear God whisper again, through his word, Remember. We turn to God when we are in unfamiliar territory, afraid of the future, and we ask him to help us remember. To hold us and remind us that he has faithfully walked through our lives with us.
Remember Him In The Struggle - Encouraging short sermons and devotionals compiled by The Commandment Co
November 11, 2021

Making That Tough Decision | Short Sermon Series

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:12
Here are 5 simple guidelines to making a tough decision.
Making That Tough Decision - Encouraging short sermons and devotionals compiled by The Commandment Co
November 05, 2021

What To Do If You Wake Up Feeling Fragile | Short Sermon Series

Are there mornings when you wake up feeling fragile and vulnerable? In his article, John Piper reveals how God sustains him in these moments of fear.
What to do if you wake up feeling fragile - Encouraging short sermons and devotionals compiled by The Commandment Co
October 28, 2021

Love Supermarket Social Media Stickers Collection 3

Love Supermarket Collection 3 on Social Media by The Commandment Co
Love Supermarket Sticker Collection 2 is now available on social media. 
October 22, 2021

Assume The Best In Others | Short Sermon Series

Assume the Best of Others: Resilient Love in an Age of Suspicion
Assume The Best In Others - Encouraging short sermons and devotionals compiled by The Commandment Co
As fallen men and women, sin naturally tempts us to say in the spirit of King Lear, “I am a man more sinned against than sinning.” Without being taught, we easily see most of our problems “out there,” with other people. “Their sin against me”, not “my sin against a holy God”, should trouble us deeply.
October 21, 2021

Could You Have Everything You Want, And Yet Not Be Satisfied? | Short Sermon Series

Maybe it’s work satisfaction, relational intimacy, family harmony, or even justice for the oppressed that’ll make your life worthwhile. But what if this life isn’t all that there is? What if there’s more than just the here and now?
Could You Have Everything You Want, And Yet Not Be Satisfied? - Encouraging short sermons and devotionals compiled by The Commandment Co
October 14, 2021

Dealing With Anger (GOD’s Way) | Short Sermon Series

Dealing with Anger - Encouraging short sermons and devotionals compiled by The Commandment Co
We have all experienced anger at some point in our lives, and it can be a real problem. Though it starts as a harmless feeling, it can quickly grow into something dangerous that’s hard to control. With God’s help, however, we can learn how to deal with our feelings and walk in His peace.
October 07, 2021

SG Cares Giving Week: The Commandment Co x One Singapore

sgg cares giving week collaboration with the commandment co night lights brighten up lives 
SG Cares Giving Week is an annual national movement happening from 1 to 7 December that celebrates the spirit of giving. During this period, individuals, businesses and communities come together to support the causes they care about in order to build a City of Good.

This year, as part of SG Cares Giving Week, The Commandment Co will be partnering with One Singapore, a non-profit organisation that is dedicated to alleviating poverty both locally and globally.

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October 01, 2021