When Things Aren't Going Your Way | Short Sermon Series

Ever felt like things aren’t going your way? Well don’t worry, we all have. Fear not, because God is going to see you through! But it’s easy to feel  bad about yourself and angry with God, so these are things that we would like to tell you when things aren’t going your way. Spoiler: God is good and remains good despite everything. 5 minutes read.
When Things Don't Go My Way
July 24, 2020

Living By Faith Amidst COVID-19 | Short Sermon Series

Living by faith amidst COVID-19? Here are some pointers! 4 minutes read.
Living by faith amidst covid 19. Lemon details. Short bible sermon.
July 24, 2020

The Messenger Zine - WISDOM / Issue 15

July 01, 2020

The Messenger Zine - STRENGTH / Issue 14


Nepal Greenery background

Bold and Courageous 


Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. 

Joshua 24:15 


One night earlier this year, I found myself unable to... (Read Full Zine)

June 01, 2020

The Messenger Zine - COMFORT / Issue 13


Comfort Heals 

As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you. 

Isaiah 66:13 

Comfort is the most natural thing to little children. They...(Read Full Zine)

May 01, 2020

Happy Pesach! Happy Passover!

Happy Pesach Happy Passover by The Commandment Co

Happy Pesach! 🎉❤️ Means Happy Passover in Hebrew! 

by Jared

The Passover is a Jewish holiday celebrating the liberation of the Jews from slavery in Egypt (Exodus12:14), where Jews feast in commemoration of this day.

In the original Passover, the Israelites were told to find a lamb without blemish for each household, kill it, apply the blood over doorpost and lintel, and roast the lamb in fire. While the family feasts on it during the night, the destroyer will kill the firstborn of all animal and man, passing over and sparing households with the blood on the doorpost, hence the name “Passover”.

With the Covid-19 pandemic, this year will be the first year where the Passover will be a private event for everyone. Much like the original Passover in such dark times.....(Read Full Article)

April 08, 2020

The Messenger Zine - GRACE / Issue 12

True Grace 

One of the most powerful definitions of grace that I have ever come across changed me from the inside out. I have never gone back to anything less. 

When I was 4, I met the God of love in a kindergarten hall, singing “Jesus loves me this I know” with all the other children. I was painfully shy then and seldom spoke. I remember crying when asked to greet a teacher and how I never asked to go to the toilet because I was too scared...(Read Full Zine)

April 01, 2020

A Minute A Day Prayer - (Day 4) Divine Healing

Our Father in heaven,
We bow before Your throne of grace to pray for those with Covid-19 flu.

We pray for Your divine healing be upon them and restore their health.
We pray for comfort upon those who have lost love ones.
We pray Your wisdom and knowledge be upon those seeking the vaccine to treat this flu.

We pray for Your protection and strength be upon all health workers helping the sick.
Help us O God for You are the Almighty God who is able to help us.
In You we put our hope and trust.

In Jesus Name we pray,

April 01, 2020

A Minute A Day Prayer - (Day 3) Help All In Need

O God,
You tell us You love us with an everlasting love.
We treasure these words in our hearts.

When we are in need,
we look to You knowing You will never leave nor forsake us.
Hear the cries of Your children and come help all in need.

In Jesus Name we pray,

March 26, 2020

A Minute A Day Prayer - for Covid-19 (Day 2)

Short Prayer:

Our dear Father in heaven,
we come to bow before You to ask for mercy and grace
upon the world which is gripped in pain, suffering and fear
because of the Corona flu...

March 24, 2020